Viewer's comments on Orchestra United
John Mitchell:
“What a fantastic series of programs , I missed the original runs and caught it late one night when just browsing, serendipity . Well done James for the vision and for pulling it off, the kids will remember you and the experience forever and personally i found the whole thing inspirational and watched 50% of it with a lump in my throat. The man whole replaced the accordion was a true angel. To purposefully look for people with potential rather than accomplished talent threw it open to kids who may not otherwise have had a chance, but who we saw blossom when taken under the wing of the Halle establishment. If Simon Cowell saw this then i am sure the cogs will be grinding already Well done to the Orchestra, well done to the team , and brilliant parents that encouraged their children to take up music. A follow up program would be interesting to see how they are all faring now. Well done channel 4″
“This was brilliant. From a dream to an experiment, through trials and tribulations to nothing less than a miracle. I had more than a lump in my throat – I was choking back tears watching those kids in action. I sincerely hope that this concert is not their last. Congratulations to one and all.”
Thomas B. Coucill:
“My wife and I found this series to be fascinating. To see these young people working together and bringing off a rousing “Finlandia” was wonderful. I must say that as an over 80 “chap” not given to tears, I had quite a lump in my throat when they played “Nimrod” Thank you all for the pleasure of your company.”
Eileen J:
“I have just watched and yes, cried throughout the wonderful concert performed by these amazing young people of the orchestra. It is so heart warming seeing those youngsters “getting” the emotion classical music can arouse. Then to top it all, my favourite piece of all time, Nimrod rang out, I’m sure my entire street heard it !!!! Thank you Chanel 4, and to the performers, I pray they enjoy making music for all of their lives, with an instrument one will never be lonely.”
“What a fantastic journey, congratulations to James Lowe and all members of the orchestra. I was very moved by the 2 episodes I managed to see, the friendship and support generated by participating in the orchestra was remarkable, it certainly was a unifying force across all walks of society. Music breaks down all sorts of barriers, everyone can gain so much from music and the programme certainly highlighted this. I am originally from manchester and came from a working class background and was lucky enough to benefit from all the rewards of participating in music groups ranging from orchestras to jazz bands and more. The love of music i have today (i am a community music tutor) stems mostly from growing in a a vibrant musical culture in manchester. The obvious joy the teenagers experienced and sense of pride was inspiring. Thanks for a fantastic programme and CONGRATS to all involved.”